Google Search Console Bulk Data Export Manage and analyze large data volumes with ease using Search Console's bulk data export feature.

Existing Methods: UI & Looker Studio/API Export up to 1,000 rows or 50,000 rows with Looker Studio/API for larger data volumes.

Introducing Bulk Data Export Extract vast data from Search Console using Google BigQuery, no row limits!

Setting Up: Step One Enable BigQuery API in Google Cloud, grant access to

Setting Up: Step Two In Search Console, input project ID, choose dataset name and location. Start exports within 48 hours.

Monitoring & Management Monitor data exports using BigQuery, set expiration time, and avoid schema alterations.

Benefits of Bulk Data Export Efficiently manage large Search Console data volumes, run advanced data analysis with SQL queries.

Enhance your data management with Search Console's bulk data export. Stay tuned for more tips from Google!