HomeSocial MediaHow To Do Advertising On Instagram

How To Do Advertising On Instagram

Instagram advertising is a method of paying for sponsored content on the Instagram platform to reach your targeted audience. Sponsored ads are run by businesses or individuals to increase brand exposure, generate leads, increase website traffic, etc. (learn Instagram Marketing with best Digital Marketing Course in Gurgaon)

Since Instagram is such a visual platform, you need images or videos to reach your audience through ads. Text ads will not work on Instagram.

Given Below Are Some Of The Easy Steps to Start Advertising on Instagram

Learning the ins and outs of Instagram advertising might seem easy to you if you are advertising on Facebook. In fact, Instagram ads can be configured from Facebook Ad Manager.

For those who are not advertising on Facebook or not getting on his Facebook post, don’t get confused. We will guide you through the process.


1. Know Your Insta Audience


Instagram knows demographics: age of its users, their interests and hobbies, locations, what content they are attracted to, and what they don’t like. You can use these data to target your audience in advertising. If you only want 22 years old in India with an interest in fashion to see your ad, you can specifically target that demographic with the help of these data.


Research and analysis of your audience is an important aspect of running ads.


2. Set Your Marketing Objective


You need to be clear about your objectives of running ads like need more traffic? Select the traffic goal. Looking to increase brand awareness? Choose the brand awareness goal. You get the gist.

Instagram ads only work with the following goals:

  • Brand awareness
  •  Reach
  •  Traffic (for clicks to your website or to the app store for your app)
  •  App installs
  •  Engagement (for post engagement only)
  •  Video views
  •  Conversions (for conversions on your website or app)


3. Configure Your Target Audience


After you have set your marketing objective, you need to target your potential customers to make your ads visible to them. It’s easy as you will be using Facebook’s depth of demographic knowledge to reach the targeted audience.

For example, if you want to target women, in India, between the ages of 18 and 40, who are interested in fashion, you can easily do just that.


4. Choose Your Placements Well


This might be critical if your only goal for running an ad is to show them on Instagram. If you choose to ignore this step, Facebook will allow your campaign to appear on both platforms (Facebook and Instagram).

If you have content that you have specially created for Instagram, then you must select “Edit Placements” here. (Learn SEO with best digital marketing course near me)


5. Set Your Budget and Ad Schedule


If you are familiar with how budgets work through Facebook, AdWords, and other digital advertising platforms, this step should not be overly challenging for you. If not, then take a deep breath; while you might not know exactly where to set your daily or lifetime budget when running your first Instagram ad campaign, this comes with trial and error, as well as experience. And the good thing is you have the control to pause or stop your campaign at any time if you feel your budget is not being properly allocated.


6. Create Your Instagram Ad


After all these steps, now it’s time to create your ad. You must create attractive content for your ad to promote them on Instagram.

One of the best practices of Instagram Advertising are using Hashtags. Not just put #food or # fashion but you need to research more to know what your audiences search for. Giveaway or promoting a contest is another effective way to reach your goals faster as people always love free stuff and competition. (Learn website development with Digital Marketing Institute in Gurgaon)

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