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How to Block Someone On LinkedIn Without Visiting Their Profile?

Would you like to learn how to block someone on LinkedIn without visiting their profile? This is the right blog post for you to learn about it.

LinkedIn is the best professional networking platform in the world.

It is the best platform to connect with professionals and expand your connections.

But, situations arise from time to time when you have to block someone on LinkedIn without visiting their profile.

This could be due to many reasons including you no longer want to see that person on LinkedIn, the person being an unwanted connection, he/she is troubling you with unwanted messages, etc.

And because of these situations that get risen, you need to learn about how to block someone on LinkedIn without visiting their profile.

In this blog post, we will give you information on how to block someone on LinkedIn without visiting their profile.

Why must you learn how to block someone on LinkedIn without visiting their profile?

LinkedIn is a professional networking platform where you connect and establish connections with other corporate professionals.

It is different from other platforms where you will constantly find reasons to block people out.

But not to forget, no matter how different it is, LinkedIn is still a social media platform, and whatever social media platform you are in, sometimes circumstances occur when you have to block people out from there.

In this section, we will tell you why you need to learn how to block someone on LinkedIn without visiting their profile.

To remain professional on the platform

LinkedIn has been developed in such a way that people connect formally and professionally with other people there.

But sometimes, we meet people on LinkedIn who try to break the barrier and cross the line by being heavily personal and too inappropriate.

By blocking these sorts of people on LinkedIn, you get the piece of mind that you are moving forward on the right path in a professional networking platform.

To not receive spam messages

Once our list of followers and connections on LinkedIn expands, we start to receive more irrelevant job offer messages, spam messages, and sometimes even harassment messages.

So that we do not receive messages such as these, we will have to block out those people on LinkedIn who send such types of messages to us.

To optimize your LinkedIn feed

As you know that LinkedIn is a platform for corporate professionals, and your only intent should be to get professional posts, industry updates, informative work-related articles, etc on your feed.

We see several people on Linkedin who treat LinkedIn as Facebook and Instagram and post their personal photos on LinkedIn which ultimately come to your feed if you are connected to them.

You need to block out such people from LinkedIn to maintain the professionalism of your feed.

What will happen once you understand how to block someone on LinkedIn without visiting their profile?

Here is what going to happen once you understand how to block someone on LinkedIn without visiting their profile.

* Neither you will be able to see the other person’s ID on LinkedIn nor he will be able to see yours.

* Neither you will be able to text the other person on LinkedIn nor he will be able to text you.

* Neither you will be able to see what the other person has posted on LinkedIn nor he will be able to see what you have posted.

* You will lose your LinkedIn connection with that person if you had one earlier.

* Neither you will be able to see him in the “Who’s viewed your profile” section nor he will be able to see you in there.

* If they will be having a LinkedIn Event coming up, you will not get notified about that.

* They won’t be able to receive a newsletter from you even if they have subscribed for it.

* If the person has endorsed you or recommended you, all those recommendations and endorsements will be removed by LinkedIn.

Can you actually learn how to block someone on LinkedIn without visiting their profile and implement the learning?

In this section, we will help you in knowing – can you actually learn how to block someone on LinkedIn without visiting their profile and implement that learning.

Okay so, if we see technically whether you can learn how to block someone on LinkedIn without visiting their profile and implement the learning, the answer for that would be No.

Because “technically” that is not possible.

But there is a hack that we can inform you about with which you can learn how to block someone on LinkedIn without visiting their profile.

Well, the hack that we are going to teach you will go beyond the conventional way of blocking someone on LinkedIn.

And that hack will arrive in the next section.

If you want to learn how to block someone on LinkedIn without visiting their profile, the next section would be of utmost significance to you.

So, have a read-through that fast.

Steps to follow if you want to know how to block someone on LinkedIn without visiting their profile

On A Computer

Here are the steps that you need to follow if you want to know how to block someone on LinkedIn without visiting their profile on a computer.

1) On the top right corner of your screen you will see your profile picture, just click on it.

2) The ‘Me’ tab will be opened once you click on your profile picture. In the ‘Me’ tab, the first thing you will see is ‘Settings and Privacy’ written.

3) Click on the ‘Settings and Privacy’ tab.

4) After you click on the ‘Settings and Privacy’ tab, you will see an option of ‘Visibility’ there.

5) Click on ‘Visibility’ and you will see a list of menus showing.

6) On the 1st option of the visibility menu, you will see ‘Profile Viewing Options’. And on the right side of the ‘Profile Viewing Options’, you will see an option namely ‘Change’. You’ll have to click on ‘Change’.

7) Then you will see a list of 3 options – a) Your name and headline b) Private profile characteristics c) Private Mode. Besides the private mode, you will see written ‘Anonymous LinkedIn Member’. You need to enable that option by clicking on that.

On A Mobile Phone

Here are the steps that you need to follow if you want to know how to block someone on LinkedIn without visiting their profile on a mobile phone.

1) On the top left corner of your mobile phone screen you will see your profile picture, just click on it.

2) Once you click on your profile picture, you will see ‘Settings’ written at the bottom. Click on the ‘Settings’ tab.

3) Once you click on the ‘Settings’ tab, you will see an option of ‘Visibility’ there.

4) Click on ‘Visibility’ and go to ‘Profile Viewing Options’ which is a section under ‘Visibility’.

5) After clicking on ‘Visibility’, check the option ‘Private Mode’ (under ‘Private Mode’, it will be written ‘You will be in complete private mode’.

6) You need to enable the ‘Private Mode’ option by clicking on that.

On both your computer and mobile phone, once you will have your ‘Anonymous LinkedIn Member’ and ‘Private Mode’ options enabled, you can choose to visit anyone’s profile on LinkedIn and perform whatever actions you would like to perform there.

Whether it is blocking or anything else.

Whatever you do, your profile will not be visible.

Enabling the ‘Anonymous LinkedIn Member’ and ‘Private Mode’ options will make you block someone in Incognito Mode.

The information that we just gave you was the best that we could give you when it comes to knowing how to block someone on LinkedIn without visiting their profile.

We hope you have learned something valuable from it.

What else can you do if you don’t want to block someone on LinkedIn without visiting their profile?

Learning how to block someone on LinkedIn without visiting their profile and then blocking someone on LinkedIn is a very extreme and forceful step that you should take.

You should not take the step of blocking someone on LinkedIn unless and until you are left with no other option.

Here is what else you can do if you don’t want to block someone on LinkedIn without visiting their profile.


Unfollow the connection and you will not be able to see the new updates from the person.

The thing to note here is, although you will not be able to see any new updates from the person, he will continue to get the updates from you because he hasn’t unfollowed you yet.

Cut off the connection

Once you cut off or remove the connection from your connections list, neither you nor he will be able to see posts and updates from each other anymore.

If you want to see his posts or receive updates from the person’s account again, you will have to send a connection request to him back again.

Here’s something you need to be aware of

After you have read this blog post on how to block someone on LinkedIn without visiting their profile, there is an important point that you need to be aware of.

This point will make you feel rest assured a bit.

“Even if you visit the person’s profile to block them on LinkedIn, they won’t ever be able to find out that you arrived at their profile to block them.”


After reading this blog post, we hope that you are now informed about how to block someone on LinkedIn without visiting their profile.

Because we use LinkedIn to establish connections with professionals, it has always been advised by top professionals that we should never break a connection with somebody.

This is because we don’t know when that connection will be able to assist us.

Therefore, blocking out somebody on LinkedIn is the last step you should take when you have really gotten troubled or frustrated because of somebody.

But not before that.

Before that, in case some issue occurs, you can just talk to the person directly to solve the issue.

Because most people on LinkedIn are professionals, they will understand your issue or concern for sure and coordinate with you to solve that.

To put it simply, try not to block anyone on LinkedIn at all costs.

Yes, you have learned about how to block someone on LinkedIn without visiting their profile, we understand that, but keep your knowledge in your head and don’t execute it until you have a concrete reason to do so.

FAQs About How to Block Someone On LinkedIn Without Visiting Their Profile

Ques 1) If I have blocked someone on LinkedIn, will they be able to know that I have blocked them on LinkedIn?

Answer – It entirely depends on your privacy settings. If your privacy settings are set on the fundamentals that the LinkedIn account already comes with, then there is a slight chance that the person will know once you visit their profile. However, he won’t know for what purpose you have visited his profile. But once you learn how to block someone on LinkedIn without visiting their profile and implement the learning to block someone, it will remove you from the person’s ‘Who’s Viewed Your Profile’ section and you won’t remain visible to him anymore.

Ques 2) How to view someone on LinkedIn without letting them know about it?

Answer – 1) On the top right corner of your screen you will see your profile picture, just click on it.

2) The ‘Me’ tab will be opened once you click on your profile picture. In the ‘Me’ tab, the first thing you will see is ‘Settings and Privacy’ written.

3) Click on the ‘Settings and Privacy’ tab.

4) After you click on the ‘Settings and Privacy’ tab, you will see an option of ‘Visibility’ there.

5) Click on ‘Visibility’ and you will see a list of menus showing.

6) On the 1st option of the visibility menu, you will see ‘Profile Viewing Options’. And on the right side of the ‘Profile Viewing Options’, you will see an option namely ‘Change’. You’ll have to click on ‘Change’.

7) Then you will see a list of 3 options – a) Your name and headline b) Private profile characteristics c) Private Mode. Besides the private mode, you will see written ‘Anonymous LinkedIn Member’. You need to enable that option by clicking on that.

After following these steps if you’ll view someone on LinkedIn, they will see you as an Anonymous LinkedIn Member and they won’t be able to see your name and other personal information.

Ques 3) If someone has blocked me on LinkedIn, how can I block them back?

Answer – This can’t be done, you can’t access a profile or account that has blocked you. So you won’t be able to block the person back on LinkedIn who has blocked you previously.

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