HomeDIDM's GuideFive Real Life Lessons About Phishing Terms

Five Real Life Lessons About Phishing Terms

Now there are no companies whether it is bigger or smaller safe from the attempted phishers. Type on google search bar any big brand and you find that phishing activities did upon them. Phishing basically is an attempt for stealing or getting website sensitive personal information like passwords and account info to do some malicious purposes.

Though phishing seems like an IT problem it affects digital marketers as well. After the attack of the phishing attack is that it may harm the brand name and could potentially interfere with the SEO ranking and conversion rates of your website.

As there are also other things related to the company digital marketing like their social media, blog, and email passwords so it highly recommended for a digital marketer to be aware of phishing attempts.

Phising Terms
Phising Terms

The proverb prevention is better than cure rightly suits here as You will be known to some of the common phishing terms, it would be a lot easier for you to tackle it.

Here are the five phishing terms and techniques to be aware of:

  1. Spear Phishing

The techniques used for phishing have completely changed from the pasts, as in the past a large number of phishing emails were sent in order to catch the small number of users. Now, at recent times phishers have narrowed down their targets and they now devote more attention to these details which can easily track down any users into their spam.

Spear Phishing

  1. Session Hijacking

Phishers nowadays are thoroughly advanced and now they are capable of stealing information submitted by you on a website. This information can be sensitive too and it could be like your passwords or credit card info which they use as for their own gain. For digital marketers, getting as SSL certificate for your company’s website is absolutely vital for its protection.

Session hijacking

  1. Content Injection

This technique is a type of sneaky technique in which phishers usually hack a particular site and they insert their content in between the genuine content of the website. The text of their content contains malicious links and once it is clicked, it will redirect you to a website that requires your personal information to enter.

content injection, Digital Marketing Institute

  1. Search Engine Phishing

The search engines are used by phishers for redirecting users to e-commerce sites which provides great offers and deals. In this case, when you choose to purchase something phishers will redirect them to a fake payment gateway where phishers collect personal information from you.

Search engine phising, Digital Marketing Institute

One should be well versed with the search engine optimization in order to completely understand Search engine phishing and you could join Delhi Institute of digital marketing to learn digital marketing courses.

  1. Ransomware 

Phishers use a type of malware known as ransomware which makes its way into your personal computer. These can be easily done without much of an effort as phishers have become really good at social engineering. The users click on the certain link which releases malware which denies them access to files or device in lieu of the ransom they demand.


Modern technology and the internet have become a part of our everyday lives and it has now become a necessary component of our business. However, staying safe is your own priority and it is very necessary for you and your customers.

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