HomeSocial Media13 Best Tips to Boost ROI by Optimizing Facebook

13 Best Tips to Boost ROI by Optimizing Facebook

Tips to boost ROI: Facebook marketers can see the constant change in Facebook marketing and ad creation. Every week there seems like a constant change in the news feed of Facebook. There can be a time when the infamous news feed could no longer be seen. (Learn Facebook Marketing with best digital marketing course in Gurgaon)

According to the recently created BlockParty report, the stories which were pioneered by Snapchat are now taking over the feed-based sharing by 15 times faster. So, the ultimate cheat of getting the most ROI or Tips to boost ROI for a brand from a Facebook page in the present time is here now.

What are the best tips to Boost ROI by Facebook Optmization? Follow the checklists below and get help in optimizing your page, increasing organic results, and boosting Facebook exposure for any size budget.



  • Learn The Mastery Of Letting Go Facebook Page Past
  • Brand and Visual Is The First Step To begin
  • Manage The Page Official
  • Showcasing Your Engaging Story
  • Secret Of Facebook Boosting



Tips to Boost ROI: Learn the Mastery of Letting Go Facebook Page Past

The first thing which we need to avoid is the thinking that Facebook owes us anything. Almost ten years have been passed so shrug off the entitlement issues.

Change the way you are thinking and look at the Facebook page of your brand as a microsite which is hosted by Facebook for free and there you would find some more opportunities.

Thinking of Facebook as a search engine would help you in optimizing the contents similar to that of your website to get found on Google SERPs.

Similar to the changes in Google’s famous algorithm changes, Facebook too is constantly updating and adjusting its provided algorithms. Facebook Dials Down Muffled Politics

Tips To Boost ROI: Branding & Visuals is the First Step to Begin

  1. Profile Image

Important alert!

The profile image of your Facebook page should be identifiable in the news feed and should clearly represent your brand. The one thing which you should keep in mind is that avoiding the combination of horizontal company names and icons.

Don’t think much, keep logos simple clean, and clear. Make sure you have provided a professional headshot If your Facebook page is for the personal brand public figure.


facebook ads


What is looking good on your desktop might be not that appealing on mobile. Avoid the use of multiple words trying to fit in an icon, company name, or tagline should not be put in an image thumbprint altogether.

  • Design according to the news feed.
  • Focus on branding.
  • Keep the image in a square shape.
  1. Cover Images

Think of your Facebook Page as the publication house and your cover image to be the magazine cover.

Similar to the ways the magazine covers communicate to people why they need to buy it, your cover image should communicate someone to hit the follow button or simply pick or buy from your page.

Cover images should be changed at regular intervals like monthly or weekly for representing your brand’s current theme/story.

Taking advantage of the video feature and using this for sharing what customer feel about your products, bragging about the awards or media coverage you have received, or showcasing your best demo.

You should always design your cover images keeping the mobile users in mind. If doubts come double-check both your mobile and desktop to find out if it’s looking good.

  • Timely and relevant is the key.
  • The description should carry a link to your blog or website for any further information.
  • Be sure while choosing an effective CTA.

Making the Page Official

  1. Verify Your Page

You might have come across some pages on Facebook with a grey or blue verification checkmark. According to the Facebook support grey, verification is provided to only certain types or categories of pages.

To get the blue check on your page, you must fall into the celebrity type status, such as MS Dhoni, or big brands, like Reliance. what are the Top 10 Digital Marketing Institute in 2021


Facebook Optimization
Facebook Optimization


Check yourself if page verification is available by going to page settings under General and if it is there, verify it.

It matters as the official page gets better search results from Facebook. (learn social media marketing with digital marketing institute in Gurgaon)

The page verification makes you legit and favors your brands to show more in searches and the creditability of a verified Facebook page is much bigger than that of a non-verified one.

  1. Templates & Tabs

You could customize your page for your audience than why going with the default design.

Facebook provides users with ways to customize their pages and its look and feel depending on the type of industry or business. There are many free templates for non-profits, politicians, restaurants venues, services, and more.

Similar to the navigation of a new website, Facebook provides pages with the option of prioritizing the order of Tabs, even turning a few tabs off and more defined Facebook Page tab navigation.


In case, you are not using any tab, you could easily get rid of it or your business depends more on videos, you could easily move that tab to the top.

Showcasing Your Engaging Story

  1. Our Story

This section is similar to the About Us section of a website and in this section, you could tell your brand story along with a featured image.

Use of keywords and use of readable short sentences, subheads, and bullets are an essential part of Our story. Here you can find the options for H1, H2 tags and adding more images.

You could also add tagged links for attracting traffic back to your owned media and could watch on Google analytics to see the results.

  1. Pinned Posts

This is the place from where you can choose a post to feature by pinning it to the top of your Facebook page’s feed. You should consider making posts your top tab so that the latest post is shown upfront and posts on the center when someone visits your Facebook page.

You should be aware of changing the older Pinned Posts. There are many times pinned posts get forgotten and it remains pinned to the top of the feed for weeks, months and sometimes even till years.


facebook updates
facebook updates


There could be the wrong impression on your audience if your brand is not active if your pinned post is dated. And this could happen even when you are updating your Facebook page regularly.

The pinned posts are the first thing which your visitors notice when landing on your Facebook Page so it advised to update it up once a week with your latest news or featured promotion.

  1. Tips to Boost ROI By Boosting Facebook Posts

Once boosting posts was considered as a taboo for ad experts of Facebook but now it has been clear that boosted posts provide more purpose and value and could help in growing up light public relations.

You could add even more popularity to your pinned post by boosting your post or making a Facebook ad of that post so that it could reach to more people and find more exposure than it is having currently.

The boosting of your posts is providing impressions to your new visitors about the activity and engagement of the post.

The effective boosting of your Facebook post depends on the following Fundamentals which are as follows:

  • Choose a post which would be the benefit to you and your brand, posts with an amazing visual is recommended.
  • Boost the post at least after a couple of hours so it would get some organic reach and engagement.
  • You must be sure about the post doing well organically before deciding to boost it.
  • The optimization of your objective should be based purely on your goal.
  • The proper targeting of the audience should be done.
  • Choose your budget and schedule accordingly.
  • Make sure you are able to capture your traffic and track any conversions from your boosted posts by having the Facebook Pixel installed.

You should always be on your toes so that you are aware of how your ad is performing and if it’s not performing well you should turn off your boosted post.


Facebook small advertisers
Facebook small advertisers


The secret about Tips to boost ROI by Facebook Boosting

It is recommended to boost only those posts which have a 5percent or higher engagement rate. But this engagement rate baseline varies for different pages so you will need to pay attention to your own stats to see what is normal. How to increase Twitter followers?

Risks of Facebook Page Boosting

Boosting posts can be easy but it is not always ideal. And Facebook post comes along with certain limitations associated along with boosting posts and they are as follows:

  • Currently, users can edit the photo that is inserted in when you have a website link as your post but you should always keep a check on this as Facebook changes it from time to time.
  • It does not provide that many targeting options that you get when you use Ads Manager.
  • If you are having Facebook Pixel Installed then you will not be able to optimize your ad for getting more conversions.
  • There are a smaller number of placement options and budget choices.
  • You should primarily use the Facebook Ads manager to run your ads on Facebook.
  1. Timing

This is an obvious thing but the best time for making a post on Facebook is when your audience is there on Facebook. You could look into your Facebook insights to see the trend of your Facebook page.

Try posting a few hours before your audience peak time as this will help you in maximum organic exposure.

Posts such as #motivationmonday should be started as early as possible in the day.

  • Avoid posting on busy event/holidays which are unrelated to your brand.
  • You could try planning out a 3-month editorial calendar.
  1. Keywords

In the digital marketing world or in search marketer’s world keywords are considered to be the best practice when it comes to SEO and targeting for PPC. It is also important for Keywords in Facebook posts, captions, titles, tags, categories, and video descriptions.

Even brands many times miss keywords in captions in Facebook messaging. Mentioning of brand name or keyword phrase in a caption will help you in triggering the post to come up in Facebook search. Learn effective methods of earning online

Search for your brand name in the Facebook search bar and after that try searching for your competition in the same search bar.

  1. Links

One of the biggest mistakes while optimizing a Facebook page is, we forget about links. In bringing quality traffic to websites or blog provide you more control to target while taking back power from Facebook.

  • The posts which consist of engagements work great, so don’t forget to add a link at the end of your post caption to your blog or website.
  • After a live video, use the comments section to add links to the information of things discussed in the video.
  • The posts that link back to your blog, keep in mind that the meta title and description is part of a marketing message on Facebook.
  • Add links on you’re About us, milestones, descriptions, mission, Our Story, etc.
  • One thing is a must to do the thing is checking your URLs are all updated from HTTP to HTTPS in the website fields.
  1. Video

Facebook is the leading social networking site in terms of video watching and while the video is the next big thing in branding and with only 15 percent brands not indulge in any video it is still hot.

There has been the transition from the native video to live video to vertical video and now completely in the phase of watch party. The main thing with Facebook pages video content is that for successful Facebook content strategy survival is a must.

  1. Stories

Stories are overtaking the social media world and using images, videos, stickers and filters in Facebook Stories in the last 24 hours are among the latest format for content creators.

There are nearly a billion users across WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat already turn to share stories.



Social media is changing from text-based platforms that were originally designed for desktop use to truly mobile-only networks that give freedom to users in capturing in-the-moment experiences and pivoting them on stories.

You should start slipping in Stories if not already.

  1. Messenger

Lastly, we have Facebook Messenger on the list and according to the state of social 2019 report, this year more brands adopted messaging as part of their social media strategies.


Optimizing your Facebook page, you will need to enable Facebook messenger customized with after-hours reply and levels of different personalization you can add to the default messaging.

People feel more confident about the brand when they direct messages to any company. What is the Top 10 Blog for Digital Marketing 2021?



With 93 percent of businesses using Facebook today globally, it is hard to ignore the marketing power of Facebook pages. The mantra to be more focused on your Facebook page is to think of your Facebook page as the extension of your website and vice versa.

Stay in control and in the present marketing fundamentals to get benefits in the future. And remember that Your Facebook page’s past does not equal the future.

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Also Read: The Comments Upvotes and Downvotes are been Tested by Facebook

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