Guru Brahmaa Gurur Vishnu
Guru Devo Maheshwarah
Guru Saakshaata Parabrahma
Tasmai Shri Guruve Namah..
DIDM Wishes To All The Trainers/Teachers A Very Happy Teacher’s Day
“If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother and the teacher.”
This statement was quoted by Lt. A P J Abdul Kalam. This statement is an epitome of the influenced of teacher’s in our society. Teachers are an indispensable part of one’s life. They look and mould the talents and capabilities of an individual.
On every year, September 5, Teacher’s day is being celebrated over India to mark and appreciate the dedicated efforts of our teachers who prepare us for the coming future and make us sophisticated and responsible individuals.

Every year on the occasion of the birth anniversary of India’s second President, Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. Dr Radhakrishnan had always this opinion that teachers should be the best minds in the country.
The recognition of Teachers’ Day all over the world shows the significance of teaches in our lives. The most persuasive job and huge responsibility are teaching and preparing the working section of this nation.
Their concerted efforts lead to a segment that is bright and brainy, one that will comprehend the world it is supposed to be and is not affected by emotions but by logic and facts. This day is an honour given to the teachers for their contributions in our lives.
The real potters who not only give our life a shape but also enable us to lit like a lamp forever after eliminating the darkness from all across the world are our teachers. The nation pays homage and respect to all the educationist in our country.
All we can say is thanks and give is respect for repenting what they have done for us. We should take a pledge to heartily respect and honour our teachers in our daily lives as they are the base and an inseparable part of this world.
DIDM wishes every teacher all over the world, happy teacher’s day for contributing so much to our lives and making us what we are, making us a responsible citizen of this unified nation.