We hear every now and then about how helpful guest blogging is for growing your blog but when you are just starting, it can be confusing what you actually have to do to get your first guest post published on the blogging and site. This Delhi Institute Of Digital Marketing blog is here to guide you on how to start with guest blogging.


Guest posting is a perfect way to expand your visibility as well as reach. Once you know the best way to start it, you can quickly find yourself successfully posting your guest posts regularly.


Guest posting offers several of key benefits that include:

Expanding the visibility and reach of your brand by getting your content in front of new audiences.

Building relationships with other blogs in your niche.

Guiding people back to your website


Learn Guest Blogging
Guest Blogging

How to publish your first guest post?


Getting a guest post successfully placed takes a little time and effort. Popular blogs tend to receive a lot of inquiries regularly. If you want to maximize your chances for success, the following guest blogging steps will help you achieve it:


Decide on your goal for a guest post


There are many potential benefits that one can achieve through guest blogging. For this, you need to choose a specific goal for each of your posts. For example is your goal to drive your potential audiences towards your website, introduce a new product to your buyers, or you want to just increase your visibility within your niche, etc. Then, you will use that goal to guide the decisions you make on what to write, which blogs to approach, etc. (Learn professional blogging with digital marketing training institute Noida)


Choose your target blog site


Once you know what you are trying to achieve, the next is choosing a specific blog site you would like to be published on. For this, you must start by generating a list of the potential target which you can do by checking out your favorite blogs as well as those which are popular with your audience.

Once you get some targets, you have to look for sites that will accept guest posts. In most guest blogging sites they will have a dedicated ‘Write for us’ page. Many sites also state on their Contact us or About us page whether they accept guest posts or not. You can check through it and eliminate those which do not allow you to post.


Develop a proposal


Before jumping right in and start writing your guest post, it’s best to make sure your targeted guest blogging site is actually interested in the topic. To know, you can write up a guest post proposal which might be a short email that lets them know about which topic you would like to write about. While writing up your proposal consider keeping the email brief, check their guidelines beforehand and clarify if you have any request on this email itself.


Write and submit your guest post


When your targeted blog site has replied and indicated its interest in your proposal, then you can start to work by writing quality content. You must consider their guidelines. Look at the length of your post carefully as it should not be over lengthy. You must not use overly promotional language and try to maintain a neutral tone. (become digital marketing expert with digital marketing course in Gurgaon and delhi)

Once you finish writing the blog, you can submit it via their preferred method. You may have to wait a while for their response. You can also follow up periodically to see if it’s been reviewed and you can also ask them on when it will be published.


Promote the published post

Once they find your content good for their site, they might edit and publish your submitted post. However, your job isn’t quite over yet there.
To get the most out of your guest post, you will want to ensure that it reaches as many people as possible.

For this reason, the last step we will advise you is to promote your content once it’s published.
You can join a digital marketing institute and learn more about guest blogging which is included in the digital marketing course.


Also Read: Any Guesses How much we can earn through Google Adsense and Blogging?


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