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SEO: What is Crawl Budget For SEO and How To Optimize It?

Crawl Budget For SEO: Crawl budget is something you should not ignore, especially if you are running a large-scale website. It is essential to understand the importance of crawl budgeting while implementing SEO strategies. Some experts do not believe in the concept and will often ignore, but in reality, if you’re running a large-scale website, crawl budget is something that site runner should optimize for SEO. (Learn more about SEO with the Best Digital Marketing Course In Delhi)

In this blog post, we’ll focus on the basics of crawl budgeting or Crawl Budget For SEO, why it is essential, and how you can optimize for SEO.

What Is Crawl Budget?

Crawl Budget is defined as the number of pages that Googlebot crawls and indexes on a website with a given time period.

What is a Crawl Budget For SEO?



Crawl Budget For SEO is the number of pages Google will crawl on your site because of which your updated content gets to the index since Google’s robot scans your pages for updates and gather information which determines the position in search rankings. It is essential to have it crawl at a normal frequency.

Why is Crawl Budget Important for Website?

In the simplest form, if Google is not indexing your website pages then your website is not likely to rank on Google. Thus if the number of pages of your site exceeds the crawling budget then your pages on the site will be not be indexed in the future. That’s why Crawling Budget for a website is crucial. (Get the complete training for Digital Marketing with Digital Marketing Course in Gurgaon)

Why is the Crawl budget required for SEO?


crawl budget
crawl budget

Google is constantly considering parameters to decide which of your pages should be ranked in searches, optimize your crawl budget to achieve online visibility. Another important point to keep in mind is that the number of pages your domain allows should never exceed your crawl budget, or else the pages exceeding the limit will go unnoticed in search.

Cases where you want to pay high attention to crawl budget:

  • Since if you’re running an e-commerce website with 10k+ pages, then Google might have trouble to find them all for indexing
  • If you have just added a new section with the group of pages and you want them all to be indexed quickly.
  • If lots of redirects and redirects chain chew your Crawl Budget.

Here are ways to enable Crawl Budget For SEO optimization letting you look for things that might cause a terrible impact and affect your site.

Shorten your site’s architecture:

We must structure the website layer by layer in the below sequence:

  • The homepage
  • Categories or tags
  • Content pages

You must review your site structure before you organize pages around and use internal links to guide crawlers.
Important pages are crawlable (Learn Digital Marketing Course with the best Digital Marketing Training Institute In Delhi)

What is Crawl Budget For SEO
What is Crawl Budget For SEO

Ensure that the .htaccess and robots.txt shouldn’t block important pages, and bots should access CSS and Javascript files. Also, lock contents you do not want to show in the search results such as

  • Pages that contain duplicated contents
  • Under construction areas of your site
  • Dynamically generated URLs

As a search engine, spiders don’t always follow the instructions contained in robots.txt. use robot.txt to save up your Crawl Budget For SEO and block individual pages. (Fight Covid 19 with the best institute for Digital Marketing)

Avoid including redirect chains


To maintain healthy website health, avoid including redirect chains on your entire domain. Always avoid 301 and 302. If your website contains such redirects, it can impact your crawl limit to an extent where it will stop crawling without reaching the age you want to index. Few might not cause any harm but don’t let it grow.

Prevent 404 and 410 error pages


Error 404
Error 404

404 and 410 pages can impact your crawl budget for SEO to a massive extent. Besides this, it can also hamper the user experience. To avoid fix all 4xx and 5xx status codes. Doing so will not impact your crawl budget. You can use tools like SE Ranking and Screaming Frog for optimizing the crawl budget. (Learn more about Digital Marketing Training Institute in Delhi)

Always update

An updated XML sitemap, which will help the bot understand better where the internal links lead. Also, while you update to include only URLs that your sitemap is familiar with.

Crawl budget SEO optimization is important for your website because it helps your site to not only get recognized in search results but also restricts users from being led to a dead-end rather than your page.

Read More: Top 5 SEO Essentials For Long-Form Blog Post

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