HomeSEOTop 5 SEO Essentials For Long-Form Blog Post

Top 5 SEO Essentials For Long-Form Blog Post

Content plays an important role in bringing the website rank good on Google. Long-form content is the best way to stand out from the rest. The Digital Marketing experts ask long-form blog to enhance traffic and engagement. Thus,  Long-form content doesn’t mean only the length of the content, but it should also contain deep information to grow engagement. If you can nail it, you can attract traffic and gain followers. To improve the ranking one must follow the Top 5 SEO essentials mentioned below while writing the long-form Blog post. (Learn advanced SEO and rank your Blog on top pages of Search Engine WITH Digital Marketing Course in Delhi)

A lot of bloggers misunderstands it. It sounds simple, but it doesn’t work automatically just because you have a long article. Bloggers cannot get the desired results because they cannot understand the fundamental elements of SEO that their blog post requires.

There’s a good side to it if you come up with long content, but it is crucial to write one with SEO in mind if you want it to be effective. The blog has mentioned 5 SEO essentials must include for long articles. It will help you achieve a better ranking, attain visibility, and attract traffic to your site. These steps are not at all tough to implement. You can use all the tips.

Type of Keyword needs to be used in the Blog
Top 5 SEO Essentials
Top 5 SEO Essentials


Research and invest time to find the best keyword for your post. Ensure the keyword you choose must be relevant to your topic and consider a keyword which has lower competition. You can take the help of Keyword Planner and SEMrush.

  • Use long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords are the ones that are longer and specific keyword phrases that visitors are more likely to use when they’re closer to a purchase. They are easier to rank and attract or bring you targeted traffic.

If you are finding it difficult to find long-tail keywords use Google Suggest.

The Effective way of using h1 tag
Top 5 SEO Essentials
Top 5 SEO Essentials


The first thing a visitor notices is a title or h1 tag. The h1 is an HTML tag that indicates a headline on a website. Choosing the right h1 tag makes a huge difference. If you can choose the right tag, it may attract a lot of organic traffic. Thus, focusing on the h1 tag is important. It is because the h1 tag will help search engines identify and index the content better, which will help readers to find yours with ease. (Build your career in Digital Marketing with best Digital Marketing Training Institute in Delhi)

Important points to keep in mind while you choose one

  • Come up with shorter tags, 20-70 characters
  • Include a long tail keyword
  • Try to focus on giving a clear idea of what the article is all about
Use helpful Subheadings

Do not be keyword centric with your subheadings. If search engines find focus keyword used in everywhere, they’ll classify it as keyword stuffing. The main reason for using subheadings is to help the readers navigate the content.

Make the use of subheadings that will help the user to move through the content. It is also essential to understand that subheadings include benefits.

Share contents with influencers to receive backlinks

If your content has potential and all the required information, there are chances that you might catch the attention of influencers. You will probably get backlinks from them, which will help you get traffic. The important point to focus on is to use the right pitch.

The goal is to get backlinks whether it’s a share on social media or link in a blog post. If you’ve been writing long-form content without getting the desired results you want, these steps will help to gain attention ultimately better search results ranking. Long-form content works only if implemented with solid SEO techniques.

Read more: Understanding The Top 4 Types Of Backlinks To Improve SEO For Website

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