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Increase Website Traffic: Drive Visitors To Your Website With No Investment!

Your Company’s website is the face of your brand, which helps to attract a great first impression. The website should be able to provide information, answer questions, and gain profit. But nothing can be achieved if you do not increase the website traffic. Learning the ways and mastering it might sound stressful, but following the below Digital Marketing strategies will help you attract enough traffic without paying anything except the time and effort. (Learn Analytics and Digital Marketing strategies with top Digital Marketing Course in Delhi)

Create an excellent blog

Only updating the blog to showcase your product or services will not be enough. Using your blog to share your thoughts on whatever will not give you results. Instead, an excellent blog that will bring traffic without paying is one that’s entertaining, valuable, or useful to your target audience. You can include the below content ideas:

  • A list of other articles and blog posts you find useful.
  • Answering your audience question
  • Letting the audience know behind the scenes of your brand
  • Instructional guides on your product or services
  • Interview with an industry leader
Get your blog noticed

Creating and sharing a blog is important, but you also need to get your blog noticed. This could include writing a guest blog post, answering responses, or maybe appearing on influencer podcasts or webinars. You can also start speaking at events, attending or sponsoring Meetups.

This might sound like a lot of effort but understand the motive which is getting a new audience to discover your website without spending on marketing. Get rid of old ways such as link acquisition and getting listed in online directories and review sites. (Build your website with best Digital Marketing Training Institute in Delhi)

Give something away

Give away some digital content for free. This could include

  • A free report or ebook
  • Videos or graphs that can be embedded on another website
  • Free tutorials

By doing so, you are giving them reasons to visit your website again. It also increases the chances of them sharing your content with their connections, which means you are growing your audience base. Ensure to use a creative content license so that people know what they can do and what they can’t with your intellectual property.
You can also launch a giveaway or contest to attract a huge engagement. It is also proven the technique to boost traffic and get new email subscribers.

Engage online

Devote your time and effort in engaging with online groups and on various websites relevant to your business and community. You can be active in the community of your industry and start by leaving comments on the blog and social media posts. Answer questions that other users have posted and indulge in conversation regarding your industry. The advantage of engaging online is that you will receive more exposure and profile visits. Ensure to leave a link to your website on your social media profiles. It will get you traffic to your website. Also, do not include links to your website within your comments as it looks pushy and spammy.

Leverage long-tail SEO

Keywords are the finest ways of attracting visitors in Digital Marketing. That’s because without the keywords your the website wouldn’t appear at the top of the search engines. Keywords are of two types short tail and long tail. Short tail keywords are search phrases that comprise one word. Short tail keywords are great in bringing you the traffic but they’re competitive and harder to rank for.

So focusing on the long tail keyword is beneficial as they are more descriptive and targeted to your specific audience, which will increase the chances of ranking higher. Also, as the search trend from voice to text capabilities advance, people are using more specific phrases when searching online.

Learning more about how your website can use long-tail phrases would be beneficial for you to achieve a top ranking.

Optimize your Website

  • Optimizing your website will help you increase your traffic, which means
  • Eliminating unnecessary plugins
  • Using Content Delivery Network
  • Enabling browser caching
  • Ensuring your site’s scripts are up-to-date
  • Uploading images having a proper size
  • Turning on Gzip compression
  • Placing CSS files at the top of your page and JavaScript code at the bottom

Ensure your website is mobile friendly and your content sharable using social sharing buttons. Using the various ways you can bring traffic to your website without paying.

Read More: Backlinks Vs Content: Which is better for your website- Quality Content or Backlinks?

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