HomeCareerHow Good is a Digital Marketing Career in Canada?

How Good is a Digital Marketing Career in Canada?

Will it be fruitful for you to start a digital marketing career in Canada? 

In India, the number one country that people think about when immigrating is Canada only.

Canada is the most popular country among the Indian people, especially those people who are from the Punjab region. 

One of the reasons people choose Canada over any other country in the world is due to the high pay scale that companies provide there. 

Digital marketing is booming all over the world and Canada is one of the top countries where digital marketing is booming the most. 

Through this post, we will inform you about how good is a digital marketing career in India and everything you need to know related to that.

How much do digital marketers get paid in Canada?

The starting salary digital marketers get paid in Canada is around $40,000 per year. 

The average salary of a digital marketer in Canada is around $58,000 per year. 

However, salaries can range from $40,000 to $80,000 per year, depending on experience, education, and other factors.

Additionally, the thing to note here is that salaries can vary widely depending on factors such as location, experience, and the type of company. 

A study by the Canadian Marketing Association found that the average salary for a digital marketer in Canada is $76,500 per year.

This figure is likely to increase in the future as the demand for digital marketing skills continues to grow.

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As a digital marketer in Canada, what kinds of jobs are available to you?

A digital marketing career in India comes with all sorts of job opportunites.

Here are the famous job types:

a) Full-time

b) Part-time

c) Internship

d) Freelance

e) Contract basis

What are the best cities in Canada for finding digital marketing jobs?

Canada is a country in which you will be able to find a lot of work opportunities in digital marketing where you can make a lot of money. 

However, there are some top-tier cities in Canada that have a huge demand for digital marketers and whose salaries are also comparatively high. Here are some of those cities.

1) Toronto

2) Vancouver

3) Calgary

4) Ottawa

5) Hamilton

6) Oakville

7) Halifax Regional Municipality

8) Montreal

9) Edmonton

10) Victoria

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How can you make your digital marketing career in Canada?

There are many ways to make your digital marketing career in Canada. 

You can work for a Canadian company, start your own digital marketing agency, or freelance your services to Canadian businesses. 

You can also move to Canada and work for a foreign company that does business there.

Whichever route you choose, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. 

First, you need to be aware of the Canadian digital marketing landscape. 

What platforms and strategies are popular in Canada? 

What do Canadian businesses need help with? 

Second, you need to have a strong understanding of the Canadian market. 

What are the demographics of Canada? 

What are the trends in Canadian marketing? 

Finally, you need to be able to speak and write in English fluently, due to the fact that Canadian businesses usually require both oral and written proficiency in English from their digital marketers.

If you can do all of that, then you should have no problem making your digital marketing career in Canada.

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What are the skills that you require to work as a digital marketer in Canada?

In order to work in a high-paying position in Canada, one must master all of the skills in the digital marketing domain, as well as have a specialization in one of them. 

It is also preferred by Canadian companies to hire people who are coachable and who are constantly updating their knowledge because digital marketing requires a complete commitment to learning new information and unlearning old information.

Here are the skills (both technical and non-technical) that you need to possess if you want to work as a digital marketer in Canada.

1) English speaking

2) Written communication

3) Presentation skills

4) Organizational skills

5) Languages additional to English (Not mandatory)

6) Good grasp of designing, advertising, marketing and communication

7) Specialization in any of the digital marketing models

8) Adaptability

9) Efficiency in digital marketing tools such as Google Analytics and Google Search Console

10) Team work

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Why is it best to start a digital marketing career in Canada?

Here are a few of the reasons why it is best to start a digital marketing career in Canada.

One of the biggest advertising markets in the world

Canada is home to many reputed advertising agencies and the growth in the digital marketing sector is immense. 

Almost half of all advertising in Canada is spent on digital marketing, which accounts for billions of dollars each year.

High Demand

There is a high demand for digital marketing professionals in Canada. 

This is due to the fact that Canadians spend on an average more time on the Internet than people from other countries.

The majority of Canadians use all sorts of social media applications and browse all kinds of digital platforms. 

Approximately five hours of an average Canadian’s 24 hours are spent online, according to a study.

Because canadians spend so much time online, companies have the choice to show them advertisements on so many digital platforms. 

So they hire several digital marketers with experience across a variety of digital platforms in order to target audiences from diverse backgrounds.

Internet marketers are in high demand in Canada due to the nation’s obsession with the internet.

Great Pay

The level of pay that digital marketers earn in Canada is enormous. 

Because the use of digital media in Canada is excessive, people get to see a lot of advertisements and most of those advertisements they generally ignore. 

Canadian businesses require such efficient digital marketers who can make people give attention to their business’ ads and do take some action after seeing those ads.

This thing requires a great level of skill and due to which digital marketers get paid so well.

Also, along with great pay, there comes great growth opportunities and when the positions of the digital marketers grow, their income grows as well. 

Which means, as a digital marketer, you will not be stuck in just one level of income as it will continue to rise with the passage of time.


It’s a great news if you want to start your digital marketing career in Canada. Because you have made this decision to start your digital marketing journey from Canada, you will surely be working in a good-paying position. 

But also remember, ‘With great money comes great responsibilities’.

In your digital marketing career in Canada, you will be responsible for a lot of stuff and delivering effective results constantly will be expected from you and in order to do that, you will have to be proficient in what you do. 

To become an elite and proficient digital marketer, you can choose to join DIDM’s digital marketing course. To join, dial +91 8800505151.

India's Most Advanced Digital Marketing Course


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