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Six Ways PPC Performance are Impacted by Website Design

When you are somewhat new to PPC performance, you might not think that much about website design.

Instead, when you are new to PPC, you focus more on things such as ad groups, ad messaging, and conversion tracking.

Nobody gives an ear to what does the design of your website will have to do it with your PPC performance.

But actually, the design of your website has a lot of things to do.

And It isn’t just about how your website designing and looks are there but it’s also about performance.

Any paid campaign made is forgetting qualified users to click on the campaigns and whatever happens, after that click is important as well.

This way when users don’t like the experience on your site or landing pages then there will a definite hamper on your PPC campaign performance.

By this post, you will come to know about,

Six ways which show how website design impacts the PPC Performance.

  1. Responsiveness

Six Ways PPC Performance are Impacted by Website Design

The world of 4G and 5G devices has given rise to the use of more and more mobile devices for online activities which were used to be completed by the use of desktop before, nowadays people prefer mobile and tablets for online shopping and other online activities.

There are seen variations in the percentage of mobile users and that of desktop users, but nowadays B2B businesses are also seeing more mobile visitors.

Previously it was only a based standard to have a mobile-friendly website for those websites which are used more in mobile but it’s not like that anymore.

Visitors now want and expect a fully responsive site. Unlike the previously based mobile-friendly sites, the content on the responsive websites is dynamic.

The fully responsive site comes along with the feature that images and content blocks can reposition themselves on the page and it is dependent on the screen size the pages are viewed. This way it is very easy for people to view and navigate on full responsive websites.

5 visibility principal

There is a negative impact on the usability of the website if it is not responsive. Users will shift to other websites by getting frustrated when usability is poor.

This will lead to all the hard work going in vain when this ad campaign goes to waste.

  1. Page Speed
Six Ways PPC Performance are Impacted by Website Design

Another website design related factor which can impact your PPC Program is the page speed of your website.

In a recent survey, it was stated that approx. 70 percent of consumers believe that their purchasing decisions are impacted by page speed.

During the research, it was found that almost 50 percent of visitors will leave a site if they are waiting for more than 3 seconds for the website page to load.

So not only your website should look awesome but to avoid a problem it should also load quickly.

When designing paid search campaigns page speed is the one thing which we should assess and there are times when people are shocked after finding of their page speed.

These websites which show the problem of page speed doesn’t only are a homemade website but there are also professionally developed websites which don’t have any guarantee about the pages to load quickly.

You don’t need to wait for anyone else to test the speed of your website, you can simply do it by yourself.

Google provides a tool for both testing desktop and mobile site speed.

  1. Technical Errors
Six Ways PPC Performance are Impacted by Website Design

Another common issue which comes along with websites are the websites filled with technical errors.

Sometimes it is possible that your website works well at your system and a few of your known system but again there is a possibility that you are doing the same actions with the same browser at every visit.

In comparison, customers might perform different sets of function which could generate technical errors.

When a visitor complains about some site elements not working, you should take note and find out why the site elements are not working.

You should not assume the problem is solved even if it is working fine on your system. Try till you recreate at your system and then talk to your developer.

Rectifying these technical errors will help you keep intact the online advertising leads which you would generate.

  1. Impression
 Impacted by Website Design

Apart from confronting the technical errors found in the website design, the impression of the website is also important.

By impression I mean the whole overall impression of the website and not just some of the template.

When a site does not cast an impression on the customer than it would directly affect and question the credibility of your business.

This is basically a hundred percent true when a customer first time interacts with your business.

Similar to the interaction with people a first impression is very important, a bad website impression can hamper your PPC efforts.

  1. Conflicting Business Goals

Website Design

The growing period of your business is very important and it is common to add more content, pages, and other functions to your website when your business changes or grows.

There would be a time when you will begin to lose the primary goal of your website.

The primary goals of the major websites are as follows:

  • Getting engagements to buy?
  • Get qualified visitors to call, email or fill out a contact form?
  • Telling them about the other resources which are there on your website.
  • Subscribing to your newsletter?

Some of these objectives could start working against each other if you are not careful about your website.

And these can hamper your PPC program.

  1. Structure and Internal Logic
website internal logic

Your website also needs to have consistent logic and structure along with having a defined goal for your website.

Like its hard to find yourself the technical errors present in your website similarly you will have a hard time finding the right internal logic and structure of your website.

But if you get complains from your visitors about, they are not finding the thing for which they are looking for, you will have a credibility problem.

This can be a bit frustrating and time-consuming for your visitors and need to keep your PPC campaigns in good shape.

A Great PPC is a Result of a Great Website

It’s easy to get stuck somewhere in managing the PPC performance program of a website when you are very new at it.

You should make sure before putting your time and efforts on PPC campaign that your website doesn’t have any sort of issues.

Because a PPC success is majorly dependent on the Website and its various characteristics.

Read: Google Advises to Use Supporting Written Content while Uploading Video on a Web Page

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