HomeSEO10 Reasons Your SEO Campaign is Not Working!

10 Reasons Your SEO Campaign is Not Working!

Marketers and businesses are in a race to make their online presence strong. Competition is at the peak to get maximum traffic to be ahead in the game. To see impressive results it is very much necessary to plan SEO strategy. So it’s not enough for your site to simply be indexed by Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Making SEO mistakes is a general issue, but not fixing them can harm your Digital marketing strategy.

 Top 10 reason your SEO campaign might not be working:

Investing Inadequate Time:

To see results it is very much necessary to give ample of time. The work involved in the ranking website requires a little more time than usual. Search engines are not as fast to indexing websites. It requires at least requires 3 months times to see varied results.

Not Strategizing SEO According to Current Market Trends:

To build a strong online presence working and implementing changes to your strategy is a must. Keeping a close eye to market trends and techniques would nurture the SEO strategy and help you have a potent presence. Make sure your SEO strategy is not outdated.

 Choosing Poor Keywords:

You need to analyze which keyword would best suit your business. Using the right keywords will help you get the traffic and the boost. Even if you can sell and get desirable results doesn’t mean it is the effective initial way. Figure out a way to differentiate your business, and branding from the rest, which would help you go a long way, eventually.

SEO Campaign
SEO Campaign

Website isn’t Mobile-First:

If you do not give more emphasis on creating a mobile-friendly version of your website, this can dishearten to know that your business will not excel. It is very much required to have a website which people can access through mobile devices. It would ultimately bring more traffic.

 Quality of the Content is Poor:

There’s nothing worse than reading a poorly written content. Your customer will only invest time if you express your principle and motives precisely. Your website forms the first impression of your company. To get benefitted come up with quality contents. Information is what people are searching for.

You Lack Quality Backlinks:

Backlinks are one of the most important aspects of SEO strategy regardless of the scale, be it small or large. Backlinks are the major metric for the ranking of your webpage. A page with several backlinks gains an excellent position on major search engines.

Your Hosting is Terrible:

Always give priority while choosing the hosting provider as it plays a crucial part in determining the search engine performance of your website. If you opt for a poor web hosting which isn’t reliable, it will adversely affect your website search engine ranking. So research the providers available before you implement.

 Site on-Site Duration is Terrible:

Dwell time on your site depends on the time the user spends. If you see a massive drop in the time spent, it is probably because of the inability to meet the basic requirements. Focus more on giving a better user experience. Otherwise, you will not get the desired results from the SEO campaigns.

 Expecting Immediate Results:

To get varied results out of your SEO campaigns, it requires 3 months or more. Just be calm and patient and work on making other aspects of SEO campaign effective. As patience is the name of the game. Be consistent and clear about your goals.

 You’re Not Tracking Conversions:

Not sure whether you’re getting sales leads? It’s time to implement tracking measures into your website like Google Analytics. Google Analytics gives you a clear graph about your focussed website’s traffic, traffic source, measure, conversions and sales. It is the most renowned and used website statistics service. One of the best tool to monitor traffic and website performance.

If you are running an SEO campaign, some key pointers to always remember and follow to remain ahead in the game. Following the above will give a boost to your campaign and bring enough traffic gradually.

Read More: SEO Link Building For 2020 That You Can Learn In DIDM’s Digital Marketing Course

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