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Strongest Ways to Increase Domain Authority Of Your Blog in 2020

The intention behind writing a blog is to increase domain authority and maximum page views. It gets frustrating when the traffic towards your blog doesn’t bulge up. Traffic remains the biggest asset, which makes the website meaningful. The major cause of writing a blog is to attract the maximum number of traffic to your website, which decides the domain authority of it. (Enhance your skills for Online Learning with the best digital marketing course in Delhi)

Things go out of hand when the content is resourceful, but you cannot attract several people to engage with it. Also, to gain monetary value, consistent traffic flow is required.

What Is Domain Authority?

The Domain Authority refers to the number of genuine backlinks your website has received from the reliable source. Which is not as easy as it seems. The authoritativeness of these backlinks increase the score for Domain Authority or improves the DA of your website.

Domain Authority

How To Calculate The Domain Authority Of A Website?

As per the SEO tool Moz, Domain Authority is calculated on the basis of below points

  • The number of links you’ve made through off-page SEO activity directing to your website
  • The nature and relevancy of incoming links pointing to your website
  • Content Quality of your website
  • The popularity of your website in social media
  • How You’re performing SEO for Your website

How to find out the Domain Authority of My Website?

However, there’re many Digital Marketing tools available which offer you a number of options to audit your website. You can try Semrush and Moz open site explorer to calculate your website’s domain authority.

How to Increase Domain Authority

Blog authority depends on page views. To enhance the page views, focus more on content promotion and generation. Content promotion can be carried out by promoting the content on various social media platforms and search engines.

It requires ample time and consistency. It can be performed using organic social media posting or paid promotion through Google AdWords and Social Media ads. (Fight Covid19 with best Digital Marketing Course)

Bloggers who want to attract traffic towards a blog post, carrying paid search ad through Google AdWords, targeting keywords will have a higher chance of success if the audience uses the same keywords to search.

Besides, it also depends on how relevant the ad is and the quality scores, the blog post will rank high in the inorganic search rankings. This condition applies if the keyword used is popular.

Deciding an actual budget to furnish this action will benefit it. Running paid ad campaigns across social media channels would be beneficial to receive the utmost exposure.

Increase the Authority of Blog
Increase the Authority of Blog

However, paid traffic gained through content promotion would work for a limited time. After the budget of a paid search campaign and social media shrinks down, the traffic will decrease to normal.

Paid traffic is only effective if the budget for a digital marketing campaign is huge to keep the incoming paid traffic flow consistent. A decrease in the paid traffic flow in the latter part would immensely affect the domain authority.

Content generation is a process of creating content for the blog. The success of it depends on the traffic flow and to able to hit top search ranking for one or two high volume keywords. However, analyzing the keywords to achieve the desired ranking can be very tough. Google has the actual data of the accurate search volume of a given keyword.

While there are many optional tools to predict the search volume, however, the accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Digital marketers cannot rely on just a few reliable articles to attract traffic since search volume
cannot be estimated.

Increase the Authority of Blog
Increase the Domain Authority of Blog

For example, websites on any focused niche do not necessarily rank higher on each relevant search the term, however, they build a good search rank on a few terms which helps them to get the traffic flow.

As a result, to make sure that certain content land on the SERP of a high search volume keyword is to aggressively create more and more content. Consistency is required during the initial phase. (Become a Digital Marketing expert with the Digital Marketing Institute in Delhi)

More emphasis should be given to producing quality content by following a proper schedule. In the process the more content is published, the chances of one article landing high search ranking on a keyword with high search volume improve.

High search ranking on a high search volume keyword is a sure way to improve traffic and page views. Improved organic visibility and clicks are likely to drive domain authority on the niche it is covering.

As the number of fresh content production goes higher, blog pages are more likely to be crawled and cause an increase in blog domain authority.

Target your Niche completely

The mantra is to target and satisfy all of your niches by posting several contents. Do not keep a count, rather try to focus on creating more content.

There is no denial of the fact that creating content with more creativity at a rapid pace becomes difficult, but it can be acquired through rigorous practice. Invest your time in finding new topics. Writing on the same topic can create issues for the site to be crawled, which will reduce blog’s domain authority. (Learn what’s more in Digital Marketing Course in Gurgaon)

Follow auto-complete search suggestions on Google and use tools such as ‘Answer the Public’, you can find new keyword and topic ideas to create fresh content. This article can help the bloggers to understand the steps involved in increasing the blog authority. To successfully increase the blog domain authority, you must keep these points at the forefront and plan your content strategy systematically.

Read More: Top 6 Digital Marketing Blogs and SEO Blogs To Follow In 2020

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